- Loyal to Standardization and Filial Towards Parents 忠臣必出孝子之门
- I am extremely filial towards my parents. 我对父母十分孝顺。
- She is extremely filial towards her parents . 她对父母十分孝顺。
- If parents are hateful and cruel, then it's truly to be filial. 若父母亲憎恶我,还能尽孝,那才是真正贤德啊!
- We said, it is nowhere to be filial. 我们说,现在也是无处可孝。
- English: Xiang, at nine, would warm (his parent's) bed. Filial piety towards parents, should be carried out. 黄香九岁的时候就能为父母温暖枕席,孝敬父母这是应当遵守的。
- It's a traditional virtue to be filial to one's parents in many Asian countries. 在许多亚洲国家孝顺父母都是一种传统美德。
- Being filial to our uncles is in turn empathizing with our parents, which is to be filial to our parents. 而孝顺伯叔诸舅,就是善体亲心,更是孝顺父母了。
- In the first place, we should be filial to our parents and respectful to our teacher. 我们应对父母孝顺,对老师尊敬。
- Ai, the way daughters-in-law are nowadays, how can you still expect her to be filial? 唉,现在的媳妇,你还希望对你孝顺么?
- "If anyone possesses these three characteristics Allah will give him an easy death and bring him into His Paradise: gentleness towards the weak, affection towards parents, and kindness to slaves. 安拉的使者(愿主福安之)说:任何一个人如果具备了以下三种品质,安拉会给他一个容易的死亡并把他擢升到安拉的天堂里:温和地对待弱者,爱自己的父母,友善地对待奴隶。
- The philosopher Yu said, "They are few who, being filial and fraternal, are fond of offending against their superiors. 一位姓于的哲学家说过,“孝顺和友爱的人不会去违背长者和上级的意思;
- Therefore, when we love and respect our cousins, we are empathizing with our uncles, which is to be filial to them. 因此敬爱堂表兄弟姐妹,也就是善体伯叔诸舅之心,也就是孝顺伯叔诸舅;
- You Zi said,"There are few who are filial and fraternal but like to offend against their superiors. 有子说:“他为人孝顺父母,敬爱兄长,却喜欢触犯上级,这种情况是很少的;
- English: The three moral standards are officials must be dutiful to ruler, son must be filial to father and harmony between husband and wife. 古书上所说的“三纲”是指君臣之间有忠爱之意,臣子要服从君主;父子之间有天性之亲,子女要服从父母;夫妇之间和睦相处。
- You should learn to be independent of your parents. 你应该学习不要依赖父母。
- I'll be in touch again towards the end of the week. 我到周末时再联系。
- Qingyan torii have been advocating the Confucian doctrines uh as respecting elders, keeping chastity trying to be filial, and being a loyal widow after the husbands death. 青岩牌坊在历史上发挥着宣扬“尚齿”、“守贞”、“尽孝”、“完节”等儒教观念的社会控制功能。
- She ran all the way to hospital with you on her back, fearing greatly that there might be any aftereffect.You should be filial to your mom when you grow up. 等我醒来的时候,已经躺在医院里了,大夫告诉我:“多亏了你妈呀!
- Parents must be firm with their children. 父母对孩子一定要严格。